'Flight of Swallows'

‘Flight of Swallows’ is a sculptural homage, to the form and rhythm of the swallow’s returning orbit of flight, within our community.This beautiful little acrobatic bird, known for its darting and gliding, it’s shimmering circle of sound, has for countless generations maintained a mystical presence, and a seasonal faithfulness through its long voyage of return, celebrating the coming of spring’s rebirth, while also marking and remarking the passage of life-time, as we look heavenward in wonder.

In this sculpture the gold gilded wooden swallows, carved and sourced from local woodlands, display a common unity of purpose. We are directed by the swallow’s glittering upward voltage and pattern of flight, an uplift, towards a revelation of wonder, a type of directional-grace, towards light, and the joy of new beginnings.

Seeing the first swallow of spring is a sign of hope, of successful voyage and homecoming. Swallows are known for their loyalty, their profound homing instincts, this, and their faithful pairing, is a dynamic symbol of stability which embraces home and community, something I believe we all ultimately yearn for within an increasingly fragmented world.

Few birds captivate the imagination as profoundly as the swallow, evoking a sense of adventure, overcoming, and the promise of a safe return. In a world where many are homesick in their own homes, this tiny bird has come to symbolize life as the ultimate ‘homeward journey’.

The presence of the swallow is a manifestation of wonder and pilgrimage, of returning ‘further up and further in’ through the temporal, towards a ‘new home’ from home, which holds the promise and anticipation of everlastingness.

There is a beautiful optimism associated with the swallow, through the faithful return to its place of birth and rebirth.

So often in life we need to return to the beginning to find our way forward, to find a way into a clearer understanding and pathway that leads towards our ultimate home, it is then that many of us will truly know that place for the first time, as one true destination for the soul.

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